2nd IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Mobility
19th-20th Oct. 2023, Conference in Budapest, Hungary
Cognitive Mobility (CogMob) investigates the entangled combination of the research areas such as mobility, transportation, vehicle engineering, social sciences, artificial intelligence, cognitive infocommunications. The key aim of CogMob is to provide a holistic view of how mobility in a broader aspect can be understood, described (modeled), and optimized as the blended combination of artificial and natural/human cognitive systems. It considers the whole combination as one unseparable CogMob system and investigates what kind of new cognitive capabilities of this CogMob system are emerging. One of the CogMob focus areas, based on its nature, is the engineering applications in the mobility domain.
Final Agenda
Prof. Máté Zöldy DSc., Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Honorary Committee
Prof. Bokor József, MTA SZTAKI
Prof. Imre Rudas, Obuda University, Hungary
Prof. Péter Baranyi, Corvinus University, Hungary
International Scientific Board Chair
Prof. Wojciech Tutak, Czestochowa Univeristy of Technology, Poland
International Scientific Board
Prof. István Barabás, TU Cluj, Romania
Prof. Aleksander Sładkowski, Silezian Univeristy of Technology, Poland
Dr. Sandor Vass, EU Joint Research Center, Italy
Prof. József Tar, Obuda University, Hungary
Prof. László Horváth, Obuda University, Hungary
Prof. Annamária Várkonyiné-Kóczy, Obuda University, Hungary
International organising committee
Prof. Olja Cokorilo, University of Beograd, Serbia
Prof. Zoran Lulic, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Dr. Dhinesh Balasubramanian, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, India
Dr. Ludmiła Filina-Dawidowicz, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Poland
Dr. habil. Árpád Török, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Dr. habil. Mária Csete Szalmáné, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Technical Program Committee Chair
Prof. Dr. Török Ádám, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
TPC Co-Chair
Dr. Pál Lukács, Pannon Univeristy, Hungary
Publication Chair
Anikó Szakál, Óbuda University, Hungary
Anikó Szakál, Óbuda University, Hungary
Sponsor & OrganizerIn Scientific cooperation with

Robert Bosch Kft.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Óbudai Egyetem / Óbuda University

Hungarian Academy of Engineering

BME Innovatív Járműtechnológiák / BME Innovative Vehicle Technologies